Markus Süllau is part of the development team at ESYON. Originally from Bavaria, he moved to Leipzig in 2013 to study computer science. Markus has been working for ESYON since October 2017 and previously gained initial experience in the areas of e-commerce and ERP. In addition to his role as a developer, he also trains and advises customers on how to use our Amazon Marketplace Connector.

Everyday work as a developer at ESYON: In an interview with Markus Süllau
Solution-oriented with flat hierarchies
To get started, let's know a few things about Markus. Born in Bavaria, he moved to Leipzig in 2013 to study computer science. Through a series of internships, he gained his first experience in the areas of e-commerce and ERP, especially SAP, where he also worked as a consultant after his studies. With the desire to deepen his knowledge in these areas, he started his career at ESYON in 2017. At the time of the interview, Markus is already in his 6th year with us.
"I particularly liked the pleasant working atmosphere and the flat hierarchies. Cooperation and communication take place at eye level. Every employee is heard and valued. In addition, we work in a very solution-oriented manner. It is also easy to reconcile job and private life. Flexible working hours and working from home make this possible."
A wide variety of tasks provide variety in the workplace
Markus gives us a little insight into his day-to-day work: As a developer, he is advancing our Amazon integration for Microsoft Dynamics. This mainly involved maintenance tasks. These are necessary to keep the software up-to-date, says Markus. The conversion of our solution to a new Amazon API alone kept him busy for almost a whole year. However, pure software development only covers part of his area of responsibility. “I also do a lot of customer support and advice. In a small company, as a developer, you have a lot of variety. I particularly enjoy training our customers on how to use the Amazon Marketplace Connector.”
As a developer, Markus also implements individual requirements of our customers. Although there are common denominators, the parameters for sales and warehouses, for example, are often very different, he says. With millions of customers, Amazon offers an immense reach, but numerous fees, tax differences between countries and the lack of transparency of the group make selling via the marketplace a complex matter.
With his daily work on our connector, Markus helps retailers to better understand these complex issues and receive appropriate feedback in the event of an error.
The developer cares a lot about his product
Finally, we wanted to know from Markus what his biggest wishes and goals are for the future at ESYON. His answer, which he formulates without much thought, testifies to the fact that the Amazon Connector has already become a matter of the heart for the young family man.
“Above all, I want to further develop the AMC and make the solution even better,” explains Markus. Understandably, he can't tell us exactly what these improvements should look like yet. However, we will share this information as soon as it is ready to be decided!
Markus, we are really happy that we have had you in the team for so long and hopefully will continue to work together for a long time! We thank you for the interesting insights into the everyday life of a developer at ESYON and your great work on our Amazon solution!
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